Lupines in Garry Point Park: A Photographic Journey

May 30th, 2024

A stroll through Garry Point Park has always been a source of inspiration for me, especially the sight of the lupines in full bloom. These sturdy perennials, with their vibrant petals and dense clusters, catch the eye and compel even the most casual passerby to pause and admire their beauty. As a photographer, their allure is irresistible and I often find myself drawn towards them, camera in hand, ready to capture their elegance through my lens.


The lupines of Garry Point Park, however, are more than just beautiful flowers. They are a testament to the resilience of nature and the power of the seasons. Every year, they endure the harsh winters, only to return in the spring more radiant than before. This cycle of rebirth and rejuvenation is a constant source of fascination for me. It's a reminder that even in the harshest conditions, there is a potential for incredible beauty.


When I photograph the lupines, I strive to not just capture their physical beauty, but also the emotions they evoke. The feeling of peace and tranquility as you watch them sway gently in the breeze. The sense of awe and wonder at their vibrant colours and intricate patterns. These are the moments I aim to capture, transforming the ordinary into something extraordinary.


I often find myself lost in the world of these lupines, absorbed in the play of light and shadow, the subtle hues, and the intricate details. Each image is an invitation to join me on this journey, to appreciate the magic of the everyday and the beauty of the world around us.


Photographing the lupines of Garry Point Park is not just about taking pictures, it's about telling a story. A story of resilience, of beauty, and of the joy of discovering the extraordinary in the everyday. It's a story I am proud to share with you, one image at a time.